A series of illustrations inspired by the human body, especially women,  where I compare the female form to nature in many ways. 

The Moon Painting the Sun (2023) Watercolour and Graphic pen

Lilith (2022) Digital Illustration - Commissioned by Dark Cloud, a game company

Lilith (2022) Digital Illustration process

Trapped (2021) Watercolour and Indian Ink - Commissioned by Extravaganza, an online art magazine

Check Extravaganza Magazine here

Overgrown in Quarantine (2020) Digital Illustration

Trans Nature (2020) Gouache and colour pencils

Sketches for Trans Nature (2020)

From Dark Suns (2019)  Watercolour, Indian Ink and Graphic Pens

Sketch for Dark Suns

Watercolours commissioned by Bendita Coletivo and exhibited at Central Saint Martins, 'Human Manifesto' , London (2019) 

The Girl with the Night in Her Eyes (2017) Watercolour, Indian Ink and Graphic Pens

Seeds (2019) Watercolour

Where the Starts Come From (2019) Watercolour

Mist Hair (2018) Watercolour

River of Eve (2019)  Watercolour

Check Bendita Coletivo profile here.
The Human Body has been one of my main interests, to practice and learn I have been participating in Live Drawing classes since 2016. Here are some of my favourite sketches:
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