This project was one of the most important and personal works I ever did. 
Almost five years ago I found a treasure in between my grandmother's things after she passed away. It was a cabinet full of my grandfather's poems and photographs. I also discovered a letter in his handwriting, it was a request from him, asking people to see what he had written and captured it with his lens. He wanted the world to see his art.
I decided to follow his steps, using the same camera and going to the same places that he had been, drawing while his words were in my heart.
Of Pears and Fountains is a series where I combined those illustrations with my grandad's work, both his poems and pictures. It was my way of feeling closer to him.

Original analogue pictures and poems from my Grandad, layered with my illustration and photographs, 2022 Mix media on layout paper.

The small card I created for exhibitions, 2022 Mix media

Short animation where I scanned many of his pictures and created a trip. I also read his poems out loud and added my hand. The idea was to imagine being in the car with my grandparents, travelling from my house to theirs, in the mountains of Rio de Janeiro.

 2022 Mix media.

This work was exhibited at  London Design Festival, Bottle Factory, London (2022) 
and at the London College of Communication (UAL) Graduation show (2022) 
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